Voice Moves Winter Choir BashSunday 5th July 2015
Riverton Baptist Church 1.30 – 4.30pm
WA’s premiere choral association invites you to celebrate a joyous afternoon of song.
Come along to hear 8 fabulous choirs perform
Groups performing are:
1.30 Welcome
1.35 Born to Sing
1.50 2nd Avenue
2.20 Rossmoyne Community Singers
2.35 Tea Break
3.00 Spirit of the Streets Choir
3.20 Born to Sing Rockingham
3.40 Men in Harmony
4.00 Strike A Chord
Tickets $5 available at the door
(doors open from 1.00pm)
Afternoon Tea supplied for a $2 gold coin donation
We also support the Salvation Army Winter Appeal and ask that you bring a non-perishable item as a donation to this very worthwhile cause.